Russian Navy Starts Massive Dills Involving Most of its Fleet

The Russian navy has started massive drills in multiple locations involving around 300 battleships as tensions with the West soar over Ukraine.

The drills were announced after the Russian President Vladamir Putin warned western capitals of serious consequences if US long range missiles were deployed in Germany. 

Testing Russian Naval Capabilities 

The Russian defense ministry said the purpose of the drills was to test Russian naval capabilities ahead of challenges the country is facing.

The ministry said 300 surface ships, submarines, support vessels, 20,000 personnel and  some 50 aircraft were involved in the exercise.

“Units and formations of the Russian Navy have begun conducting planned exercises in the operational zones of the Northern, Pacific and Baltic Fleets”, the ministry wrote. 

Why is Russia Carrying out Massive Drills?

Although the ministry declared that the aim was to test naval capabilities, the real reason was the rapidly deteriorating geopolitical situation.

Russia usually flexes its military muscle using its naval capabilities, thanks to being world’s third largest naval power.

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