Chinese Scientists Find Traces of Water in Moon Soil Samples

A Chinese lunar probe has detected traces of water in Moon soil samples, marking yet another space milestone.

Scientists from Chinese universities reported that the Chang’e-5 rover, which returned to Earth in 2020 with lunar rock and soil samples, has revealed the presence of trace amounts of water.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Astronomy, indicate that water molecules can persist in sunlit areas of the Moon in the form of hydrated salts.

China Finds Water Traces

One of the most interesting things about the recent discovery was identifying the location where the water is believed to exist.

While NASA’s infrared detectors confirmed water’s existence on the Moon in 2020, the Chang’e-5 findings offer unique information due to the location of the sample collection.

Researchers involved in the research mentioned that the samples they brought back from the moon contained 40% of water molecules as compared to the total mass

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