US Woman Freed After 43 Years in Prison for Wrongful Conviction

Sandra Hemme, imprisoned for 43 years for a murder she did not commit, has been released after her conviction was overturned.

Hemme, now 64, was wrongfully convicted at age 20 for the 1980 stabbing of library worker Patricia Jeschke in St Joseph, Missouri.

The court found no evidence that linked Hemme to the murder of Patricia, the decision said. 

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Hemme was sentenced to life in prison despite a lack of evidence linking her to the crime, other than a confession obtained under heavy sedation in a psychiatric hospital.

Her legal team from the Innocence Project expressed gratitude for Hemme’s release and pledged to continue working to clear her name further.

The Innocence Project said Hemme is the only US woman to have served such a lengthy prison time over wrongful conviction.

Sandra Hemme left prison on Friday and is now living with her sister, as reported by the Kansas City Star.

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