Japanese Government Asks Youth To Have Children Amid Population Crisis

Amid a crumbling population, the Japanese government has started an initiative to ask the youth about marriage and reasons for rejecting the idea.

Japan’s population crisis has worsened in the last two decades as more people and more people are rejecting the idea of marriage due to financial woes.

According to the surveys conducted by the Japanese government, Japan saw a record low birth rate in 2023, with more deaths being reported than births. 

Government To Consult With Youth

To develop mechanisms and provide awareness, the Japanese government launched the Children and Families Agency to remove youth’s concerts about marriage.

Marriages in Japan fell drastically low to less than 500,000 for the first time since 1930, a government survey revealed.

The absence of marriage due to financial and social freedom is cited as the biggest culprit behind the drastic decline.

Experts believe that the population would continue to decline even if Japanese couples start having three children each, as the pool of women of childbearing age is already so small, and that too declining.

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