Romania Orders To Cull 500 Bears After Hiker’s Death

Romania has ordered the culling of 500 bears after a tragic incident that resulted in the death of a mountain hiker.

The government cited overpopulation for the decision to cull bears as the last decades saw scores of hikers being killed by the species.

The Romanian government culled 220 bears last year, a little less than 50% as compared to this year’s plans.

As the new legislation was passed, lawmakers held a moment of silence in memory of the hiker who was killed by a bear in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains.

Bears Have Killed 26 in 20 Years

According to the Romanian authorities, bear attacks have resulted in the deaths of 26 people in the last 20 years, along with 274 injuries.

The government’s decision has been criticized by animal rights advocates who argue that the policy will not address the core of the problem.

According to WWF Romania, culling poor animals on such a large scale will not solve anything.

Conservative experts believe the government should focus on mitigating the incidents rather than exterminating bears.

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