Smoking Laptop in Bag Prompts Evacuation on An American Airlines

An American Airline flight had to be evacuated after a laptop in a passenger’s bag started emitting smoke before takeoff.

Several passengers were injured when the plane was being evacuated via emergency slides and a jet bridge.

The Federal Aviation Administration said they are currently investigating the cause and if the Airline was responsible in any way.

Three People Injured

The Associated Press news agency reported that three passengers received minor injuries and at least one was transported to hospital.

The three individuals were injured when the staff suddenly ordered passengers to evacuate, causing panic as travelers hurled to get out. 

What Caused The Smoke?

What actually caused the laptop to emit smoke remains unknown till now, the reports mention.

It could be due to overheating or an object that emits heat may have melted some parts of the laptop.

The flight, which was scheduled to leave San Francisco on Thursday will depart later on Friday.

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