New York Times Team Board Declares Trump Unfit To Lead

The board of editorial of the New York Times has declared the former President Donald Trump unfit to lead in the upcoming election.

The team published a strong statement declaring that “Donald Trump is unfit to lead,” just before the major Republican convention.

Trump’s Values Contradictory To US

The board emphasized that Trump, who has been nominated by the Republicans three times in eight years, is “demonstrably unsuited for the office of president.”

They criticized his values, temperament, ideas, and language, stating these are contrary to what has made the United States great.

Board Asked Biden To Step Down

In a separate editorial, the board also addressed President Joe Biden, suggesting that Democrats should consider him stepping aside.

The Times highlighted that many voters are frustrated, citing a recent survey showing 67% of U.S. adults (including 58% of Democrats) want Biden to step aside.

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