Videos Show Ants Playing Doctor By Amputating Leg

Scientists have discovered a Florida carpenter ant doing life-saving amputation on their colleagues, making them the only known animals besides humans to do so.

Florida carpenter ants (Camponotus floridanus) have been observed identifying and treating limb wounds on their nestmates through amputation, according to a study published in the journal Current Biology. 

First in Animal Kingdom

Animals are known for carrying out medical procedures like treating wounds and much has been reported about them in the past.

But a complex procedure like amputation has never been noticed before.

The video published by scientists shows carpenter ants amputating a leg from a wounded ant, increasing survival chances of ants significantly.

Erik Frank, the lead author of the study said he found it striking to what extent the ants are freely cooperating in this surgery involving four to five ants.

Frank noted that though he didn’t know if the ant felt pain, it was clear that the procedure was successful, and the ant didn’t die.

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