Ukraine Secret Service Thwarts Alleged Coup Attempt

For the very first time since Russia invaded Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has arrested individuals plotting to overthrow the government.

According to the media reports, the coup plotters were planning to trigger a riot in Ukraine’s capital on June 30 to create distraction and seize power by replacing the current leadership. 

Four People Arrested

The secret service arrested four individuals in connection with the coup plot and recovered weapons and ammunition.

The Ukrainian prosecutor’s office said that the alleged coup leader rented a building with a capacity of 2,000 people and recruited people with military backgrounds from private companies to seize power in the capital. 

Russian Hand Unconfirmed

As per the initial investigation, the secret service didn’t get their hands on something that connects the coup attempt to Russia.

However, the agency did acknowledge that if successful, the plan “would have played into Russia’s hands.”

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