Three Military Horses Run Loose Again in Central London

Three military horses bolted through central London on Monday, the second incident in three months involving army animals breaking loose in the capital.

According to the Ministry of Defense (MoD), three horses from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment “became loose from their riders” while six were exercising on Monday morning.

The horses were recovered “swiftly and safely” and returned to Hyde Park Barracks by the Army and Metropolitan Police by 09:55 BST.

One horse sustained minor injuries, but no soldiers were harmed, the military said in a statement.

Another Horse Incident

In a similar incident on April 24, five military horses threw the riders and smashed through the vehicles in Central London, causing multiple injuries.

The recent incident occurred when the lead horse, which was being led rather than ridden, was spooked by a London bus.

The remaining two continued to Vauxhall Bridge via Belgrave Road before being stopped and returned safely.

None of the horses involved in this incident were part of the previous one in April, the Army spokesperson claimed.

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