Family Urges Biden To Remain in Race Despite Bad Debate Performance

President Joe Biden‘s family has urged him to ignore calls to step aside after a disappointing debate performance against Republican Donald Trump.

Biden spent Sunday at Camp David with relatives who encouraged him to continue his campaign.

The news emerged after polls revealed that voters’ concerns about Biden’s age have increased after the debate.

Polls Indicate Worries About Biden’s Age

Concerns have grown within the voters following Biden’s performance in Atlanta, which many found rambling and incoherent.

Polls indicate that worries about his age, as he is 81, have increased.

A CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday showed that 72% of registered Democratic voters doubt his mental and cognitive health to serve as president, and nearly half believe he should step aside. 

Family Insist President To Continue

Despite the bad performance, Biden’s campaign team and family insist he remains the party’s best hope to defeat Trump.

The family gathering at Camp David in Maryland was initially scheduled for a photoshoot by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz.

Those present included Biden’s wife Jill, his children, and grandchildren.

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