Chinese Space Rocket Explodes in Flames After Accidental Launch

A Chinese rocket crashed and exploded in flames during a ground test on Sunday, according to Space Pioneer.

The Tianlong-3 rocket experienced a structural failure that caused its first stage to detach from the launch pad.

The first stage fell into a hilly area near Gongyi in central China, reports said.

Cause of Explosion Revealed

Space Pioneer, also known as Beijing Tianbing Technology, explained that the failure occurred due to a breakdown in the connection between the rocket and the test platform.

After detaching, the onboard computer shut down automatically, and the rocket fell 1.5 kilometers southwest of the test site. 

No One Was Injured

Fortunately, there were no injuries as the area was evacuated before the test could take place.

The Tianlong-3 rocket, which crashed on Sunday, is designed to support the construction of China’s satellite internet network and has performance capabilities comparable to SpaceX’s Falcon 9.

This mission is part of China’s broader ambition to become a leading space power in competition with the United States.

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