North Korea Publicly Executes Young Man For Sharing K-Pop Songs

North Korea has publicly executed a young man for sharing K-pop music and songs, according to testimonies from 649 North Korean defectors.

According to news reports, the 22-year-old young man was executed for listening to 70 South Korean songs, watching 3 movies and sharing them with others. 

Defectors Testify To The Murder

The North Korean Human Rights report published this Thursday mentioned that 649 government defectors have testified to the brutal murder of the young man for the innocent sin.

But how the young man from South Hwanghae province was executed remains unclear. 

Listening To K-Pop is Banned 

North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jung Un, has banned listening to K-pop music and songs and violating the law could land people in prison.

Although the government has publicly executed people in the past, the flow of information is strictly controlled to make sure it is not seen by the outside world, the report mentioned.

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