Assange Finally Lands in Australia After 14 Years of Legal Battle

Australian journalist and the founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange has finally landed in Australia after 14 years of legal battle with the US government.

Assange landed in his native country after securing a plea deal that set him free from a prison in London.

The 52-year-old journalist thanked the Australian Prime Minister for standing against an allied country, a reference to the United States. 

Assange Lands in Home

The journalist was in a legal battle with the US government who accused him of leaking classified information during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

Assange refused to entertain a press conference because he already went through much in all these years, his wife Stella Assange said at a news conference. 

Assange Released Classified Information

The US government wanted Julian Assange to be tried under the Espionage Act for releasing classified military information, something that Assange denies doing.

Assange maintains what he did was journalism and the US government was trying to silence him.

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