Hiker Survives Being Lost For Ten Days in California Mountains

A hiker from North California was finally found alive after spending ten 10 in the Santa Cruz mountains.

The hiker named Lukas McClish told the local news agency that he survived the harsh terrain drinking creek water and eating wild berries.

McClish thought his hike would last a few hours as he was on his way to work when he got lost. 

Hiker Didn’t Inform Anyone

McClish said he didn’t inform anyone because he had no plans of doing what he went through.

“I didn’t bring anything” besides a flashlight and folding scissors because “I thought I was doing a three-hour hike,” he told KSBW.

He left his home in Boulder Creek, California, on 11 of June and was declared missing by the authorities on 14 of June when he didn’t show up for Father’s Day.

KSBW mentioned that the rescue teams were able to spot him after they heard McClish shouting for help from a densely wooded area.

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