FBI Release Video of Saudi Filming 911 Buildings Before Attacks

The FBI has released a 25-year-old video in possible connection with the September 911 terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of 3,000 Americans.

The video shows a Saudi man named Omar al-Bayoumi, with alleged links to the 19 hijackers, filming the capitol hill and describing the place.

The footage was released in court proceedings by 911 victim families who claimed that the Saudi government was involved in the terrorist attacks.

The Plan

The video includes commentary from the man, Omar al-Bayoumi, who describes one of the places as “the plan”.

The man described other buildings including the White House and the Washington monument along with security arrangements in place. 

What’s The Connection?

According to the FBI, the target of the fourth hijacked plane was the White House intended to assassinate the US President.

The 911 Victim families along with senior FBI operatives believe that the Saudi government was involved in the terrorist attacks as Omar al-Bayoumi was their agent and h facilitated the 911 hijackers.

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