TikTok Says US Government is Not Serious in Settling Dispute

TikTok parent company ByteDance has accused the US government of not being serious in settling the dispute and bent on banning the app.

In new legal filings, the company alleged that the US Congress ban on TikTok will hurt millions of Americans who are using the app for businesses and entertainment. 

US Bent on Banning

The 99-page legal filing filed to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, the company revealed why selling off the platform was not possible “technologically, commercially, and legally.”

According to the latest law signed by the US President Joe Biden, ByteDance must either sell TikTok or face an all-out ban in the country. 

TikTok Says Ban Violates First Amendment

The video streaming platform argued in filings that the ban violates the first amendment of the US constitution and urged review of the new law.

“This administration has determined that it prefers to try to shut down TikTok in the United States and eliminate a platform of speech for 170 million Americans,” it said.

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