Report Says World’s Fossil Consumption Reaches Record High

Global fossil fuel consumption reached a record high last year, pushing CO2 emissions past 40 gigatons for the first time, according to a report by the Energy Institute.

Despite a significant rise in renewable energy use in 2023, fossil fuel consumption also increased, as highlighted in the institute’s annual energy review. 

Fossil Fuel Consumption Rose By 1.5%

Juliet Davenport, president of the Energy Institute, noted the report showed another year of high energy consumption, with fossil fuel use rising by 1.5% to 505 exajoules.

The trend threatens the hopes of climate scientists who expected 2023 to be the peak year for annual emissions before a decline in the global fossil fuel economy.

Overall, fossil fuels accounted for 81.5% of the world’s primary energy in 2023, a slight decrease from 82% the previous year, even as wind and solar power reached record levels.

The report found that while emissions from the energy industry may have peaked in advanced economies, developing economies continue to rely heavily on coal, gas, and oil.

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