Top US Health Official Wants Social Media Warning Labels

One of the top health officials in the United States is advocating for smoking-style warning labels on social media platforms.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, writing in the New York Times, stated that social media increases the risk of anxiety and depression in children therefore the platforms must be labeled as harmful for children.

He proposes that visitors to these platforms should see warnings about the potential mental health harms for adolescents. 

Warning Labels on Social Media

Writing in the New York Times op-ed, Murthy noted that the social media platforms must be labeled as we have done with smoking and alcohol.

He emphasized that these labels would remind parents and teenagers that the safety of social media has not been established.

Murthy wrote that labels increased awareness of smoking risks and believes similar labels on social media could prompt parents to better oversee their children’s online activities.

In his article, Murthy also suggested banning phone use in schools and advised parents to restrict device use during meals and bedtime.

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