Man Stabs Four US College Instructors in Public Park in China

A suspect has stabbed four American college instructors in a public park in the Chinese province of Jilin.

The Chinese police suspect with the surname Cui has been arrested for clashing and then stabbing the four American college tutors in the public park.

According to the police statement, the suspect first stabbed one American tutor and then went on to stab three other Americans and one Chinese tourist.

Injured Are Out of Danger

The Chinese foreign ministry said those injured were out of danger and there was nothing to worry about.

The Iowa Cornell College instructors went to China and have been teaching in partnership with a Chinese university.

The ministry also stated that the incident will not deteriorate relations with other countries, meaning the US. 

Chance Event

The incident was seen as an isolated incident as Chinese people are considered to be friendly to foreign tourists.

Online commentator and former chief editor of China’s Global Times, Hu Xijin, said this was a “chance event” as local people are not hostile to foreigners.

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