US Military Reconnects Gaza Aid Pier After Sea Waves Swept It Away

The US military has successfully reconnected the Gaza aid pier after it was swept away by sea waves that damaged it nearly two weeks ago.

The US Central Command confirmed that the pier will be able to deliver much needed aid to the besieged enclave after months of war.

CENTCOM deputy commander said that the pier will deliver 1 million pounds of aid every two days. 

Aid Pier Reconnected

The US military has been working to help increase the flow of aid to Gaza as the enclave faces a catastrophic situation.

The pier built at the cost of $230 million is expected to deliver crucial aid required to elevate poverty and reduce famine, the US military said.

The pier was swept away by strong waves around two weeks ago when several of its vessels ended up on shores. According to the AP report, at least three US.

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