Giraffe Lifts Infant From Truck During Wildlife Tour

A two-year-old girl named Paisley Toten was given a short aerial tour by a giraffe at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas.

While feeding the animal, Paisley was suddenly lifted by her T-shirt when the giraffe grabbed her.

Fortunately, the giraffe quickly dropped her back into the truck without any harm but the parents did panic.

Incident Was Caught on Camera

Paisley was visiting the wildlife center with her parents, Jason Toten and Sierra Robert, on June 1.

The family was driving through the park, where animals roam freely and visitors can feed them.

According to the center’s rules, visitors were allowed to ride in the bed of a truck if an adult was present and everyone was safely inside the vehicle.

The incident was captured on video by Lindsay Merrimen, who was in a nearby car.

Despite the scare, Paisley remained unfazed, though her father admitted, “My heart stopped.

A spokesperson for the wildlife center told the media that such an incident has never occurred here previously but they will make sure it doesn’t happen again.

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