Congressman’s Son Delights Cameras With Smiles During Dad Speech

Republican Congressman John Rose has been in the house for more than five years but his son made his office work a memory for him that he will never forget.

Mr. Rose brought his son to the house and while he delivered a speech about Donald Trump’s verdict, his son pulled out funny faces right behind his dad.

No one heard a word he Mr. Rose said because the show was stolen by his 6-year-old son. 

Rose’s Son Just Graduated From Kindergarten

Rose’s Son, who just graduated from Kindergarten last week, made his mark in one the most important buildings in the American political system.

Right after the video went viral, Republican leaders shared their views about the kid’s unforgettable gestures in the House of Representatives.

Doug Andres, the spokesman for Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, said the kid knows something that others don’t, referring to the boy’s gestures.

When asked about his son’s behavior in the house, Mr. Rose said “this is what I get for telling my son Guy to smile at the camera for his little brother”.

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