Ratio of Americans Serving in Military is Problematic, Democt Warns

Only 1% of Americans are serving in the United States military and the trend is deeply problematic, a democratic representative has warned.

New York Democratic representative Pat Ryan said the American people have lost touch with the military is a worrying trend for the US as a leading power in the world. 

Ryan Working To Recruit People

In his interview with The Nation, Ryan stressed on strengthening the bridge between the military and the people to recruit more people.

“A lot of the work we did … on the defense bill is recruiting. Every service has been challenged on recruiting numbers,” he said in the interview. 

Veterans Are Key

One more thing that Ryan claimed should be a priority for every government was serving the veterans.

Ryan, being a veteran himself, said one key aspect of attracting people to the military was empowering the veterans who represent 6% of the US adult population.

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