Video Captures Rare Mountain Lion in Hollywood LA

Video uploaded to social media shows a rare spectacle of a mountain lion in Los Angeles.

The big cat, also known as the Hollywood cat, is believed to be living in the mountains but coming down to the residences is not always in their cards.

Scientists and conservationists have warned multiple times that mountain lions could become extinct in the coming 50 years due to strict restrictions on their movement and other toxic gasses. 

Latest Lion Sighting

Vlad Polumiskov, who filmed the footage, said he saw the mountain lion when he was getting his son out of the car.

The mountain lion lingered in the area, allowing Polumiskov to capture video footage before disappearing into the western reaches of Griffith Park.

The sighting, still pending verification by the National Park Service (NPS), has excited fans of the late mountain lion P-22, who was known as the Hollywood Cat.

The wildlife authorities have asked the public to give the lion some space if they spot it anywhere.

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