Another Pandemic is Around The Corner, Ex Top UK Scientist Warns

Former Chief Scientific advisor to the United Kingdom has warned that another pandemic is just around the corner and humanity is not prepared for it.

Sir Patrick Vallance urged the new British government to implement policies to be prepared for a pandemic and pick things early.

Vallance didn’t elaborate on what he was actually referring to when he mentioned ‘pandemic’. 

Sir Patrick Vallance remained Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2023

Work Before It Arrives

Speaking at a panel event at the Hay festival in Powys, Vallance urged the British government to devise policies so that they don’t have to do it at the last minute.

He said he prefers “rapid diagnostic tests, rapid vaccines, rapid treatments” and something that COVID pandemic brought which was complete collapse of the health system.

The main point of his talk was that the government usually cuts back on efforts made in emergency situations like COVID, but forgets that it can and it will happen again with deadlier consequences.

NHS was completely overwhelmed during the COVID19 pandemic.

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