Elon Musk Opposes US Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has expressed his opposition to newly announced tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.

Musk said that the move was counterproductive and against freedom of exchange.

The tech billionaire previously hailed the tariffs as a remedy to save American EV as Chinese producers would destroy competitors without barriers. 

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No one could say for sure why Elon Musk changed his heart with regards to the US imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.

He, on the contrary, hailed the Chinese authorities for not imposing tariffs, as the billionaire is in no favor of tariffs.

“Tesla competes quite well in the market in China with no tariffs and no deferential support. I’m in favor of no tariffs,” the billionaire CEO told a conference in Paris via video link.

The Chinese Commerce Ministry has hinted at imposing 25% tariffs on imported cars with large engines from the EU and US in tit for tat move this week.

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