Badly Malnourished Sea Lion Jumps Into Rowing Boat

A team of university rowers found an unexpected visitor when a baby sea lion jumped over into a UCLA rower’s boat.

The incident took the two students on board by surprise as they played with the friendly sea lion but later the students later realized something was off about the baby. 

Baby Sea Lion Was Malnourished 

Upon reaching the shore, Logan Hibbard, a student riding the boat said she discovered the sea lion was not feeling well.

The baby sea lion was taken to the Marine Mammal Care Center where the staff declared the animal as malnourished.

John Warner, the CEO of Marine Mammal Care Center said that these animals avoid contact with humans but circumstances must have forced them to find food in the boat.

While it might have seemed like the animal was seeking affection, Warner clarified that wasn’t the case.

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