Nikki Haley Says She Will Vote For Donald Trump

Former Republican presidential candidate and Donald Trump’s rival, Nikki Haley has announced her intention to vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 US presidential election.

Haley, who served as Trump’s United Nations ambassador, was the last major rival to exit the primary race in early March in support of Trump.

Although she did not endorse Trump at that time, she encouraged him to win over the voters who had supported her.

Biden is Better Than Trump

In her first public statement since leaving the race, Haley acknowledged that Trump “has not been perfect” but argued that President Joe Biden “has been a catastrophe.”

Speaking at the conservative Hudson Institute in Washington DC, Haley reiterated her criticisms of both political parties but directed her harshest remarks at Biden.

She criticized Biden for the handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, failing to deter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and abandoning Israel.

Haley had already urged Trump to reach out to her followers to get their support against Joe Biden.

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