Trump’s Ex Lawyer Admits Stealing Thousands From His Company

Former President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Micheal Cohen admitted to stealing thousands of dollars from his company.

Cohen acknowledged that he lied to Trump that his company owed $50,000 to a tech company but he actually paid only $20,000, keeping the rest to himself. 

Cohen Testifies in Hush Money Case

Lead defense lawyer Todd Blanche asked Cohen if he had stolen from the company. Cohen responded, “Yes, sir.”

Upon asking why he did so, Cohen responded that he was angry about a reduced bonus and sought the extra money as “almost like self-help.”

Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked Cohen if he believed what he did was wrong, Cohen responded he knew he was wrong. 

Defense Says Cohen Has History of Lying

Cohen is believed to have a track record of lying as he did in the 2018 federal investigation into his conduct.

Lead defense lawyer Todd Blanche told the judges that Mr. Cohen “not only lied repeatedly in the past under oath, but he lied in this courtroom.”

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