Researchers May Have Solved Mystery Behind Egypt’s Pyramids

Researchers believe they are quite confident that the mystery of Egypt’s famous pyramids may have been solved.

A team of researchers from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, led by Prof Eman Ghoneim suggest the pyramids were built along a hidden branch of river Nile.

The 4,000 years old pyramids have forced researchers to present numerous theories but the latest research confirms the previous findings that the pyramids were indeed constructed using river Nile. 

Lead author of the study, Prof Eman Ghoneim.

The Ahramat & The Pyramids

Prof Eman Ghoneim mentioned in her research that a hidden branch of river Nil named the Ahramat branch was used to transport huge stone blocks to build the pyramids.

The Ahramat led to where the majority of the construction was built after careful analysis of numerous samples they collected.

 The Ahramat Branch borders a large number of pyramids.

Scientists used different techniques like radar satellite imagery, geographical samples and historical data to verify that there existed a river on the exact same spot.

The study’s co-author said that the Ahramat, which was around 64 kilometers long and around 200-700m wide, disappeared due to major drought and sandstorms.

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