Blinken Sings And Plays Guitar With Local Band in Ukraine

In a rare display of support, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was seen singing and playing guitar in a local bar in Ukraine.

The scenes were unexpected after a long and hectic day for the secretary as he met with Ukrainian leadership and talked about more military assistance to the country.

The video of Blinken’s performance was quickly shared on social media showing Blinken singing Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World.”

Blinken’s Visit & Division in Ukraine

The US Secretary arrived in Ukraine yesterday in a surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital to promise more military and economic assistance.

As per media reports, the visit was kept a secret until the last minute when Reuters broke the story of Blinken’s arrival to Kyiv via a train that stopped straight in the capital.

Blinken’s performance at the Barman Dictat bar prompted mixed reaction from Ukrainians.

Some hailed it as a gesture of support while many saw it inappropriate as the war situation was tense.

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