5th American Tourist Arrested For Carrying Ammunition in Luggage

The number of American tourists arrested in Royal Turks and Caicos Islands for possessing ammunition has jumped to 5 after another tourist was arrested.

The Turks and Caicos Police told CBS that they have arrested an unidentified tourist at the Howard Hamilton International Airport for unknowingly carrying ammunition in his luggage. 

Fifth American Tourist

The latest arrest brings the total number of such incidents to five, as four previous American tourists were detained on the same charges.

The CBS reported that several American tourists have made headlines in recent weeks and they are awaiting to be charged and sent to prison for up to 12 years. 

US State Dep Issues Advisory

To caution tourists against carrying ammo in their luggage, the US State Department had to issue an advisory to check the bags before going to the island.

Tourists were advised “to carefully check their luggage for stray ammunition or forgotten weapons.”

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