Japan Warns Child Care Sites Against Putting Kids’ Pics Online

The Japanese government has warned the daycare centers and others providing the same services against uploading kids’ pictures on their websites.

The announcement comes amid increasing worries about the potential abuse of child imagery by child pornography websites.

The warning specially mentioned unclothed images of little kids as that can easily be used by predators looking for such material online. 

Decision Comes After Shocking Reports

The Japanese government announced the decision after a Japanese newspaper known as Mainichi Shimbun published a shocking story.

The story revealed that pictures from the 12 daycare facilities out of the total 135 facilities were found on overseas adult websites. 

The government said the images could be used by online predators.

Decision Aims To Protest Children Rights

The Japanese Children and Families Agency and the Ministry of Education and Culture issued a statement saying the decision will protect the rights of children.

“Even when photos are made accessible only to parents, the notice cautions facilities against allowing them to use naked photos,” the Mainichi report mentioned.

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