Australia Announces 6 Years Jail For Adult AI Content Propagators

Australia has announced to implement new law about those using artificial intelligence to create adult content.

The legislation will be implemented later this year which carries a maximum six years of jail term for those accused of sharing sexually explicit images or videos of others.

The new law comes amid skyrocketing cases of sexual bullying and harassment against women in Australia. 

Australia is Ranking Top

Professor Nicola Henry, a socio-legal scholar at RMIT University in Melbourne, led a survey last year and found that Australia has the highest rate of victims to adult content produced by AI.

The survey revealed that Australia had 3.7% more victims as compared to the global average, which is 2.2%. 

Will The New Law Change Anything?

Mr. Henry raised concerns about the possible uselessness of the new law as he argues that educating the society could solve the problem.

“I feel like it’s more important to invest resources and money into education and also we need to hold accountable the social media companies,” he said.

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