Video: Small Plane Makes Emergency Landing on US Beach

A small plane made an emergency landing on Long Island’s Cedar Beach in New York without injuring anyone.

Video footage uploaded online shows a single-engine Cessna 152 gliding over Cedar Beach in Mt. Sinai at sunset and almost flipping over the moment it stops.

The pilot, a 60-year-old man, and his 59-year-old passenger came out without injuries after the plane touched down safely on the sand. 

Pilot Reported Engine Failure

According to ABC 7, the pilot and passenger reported engine failure just before making the emergency landing on the beach.

The nose of the aircraft eventually dipped into the sand after continuing forward for several seconds.

The authorities didn’t disclose further information about the incident to the media. 

Records show that this plane previously experienced a similar incident on Long Island.

In March 2016, pilot Robert Keletii was teaching a student to fly when the engine failed at 3,000 feet, landing it at Sunken Meadow State Park

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