Biden Calls US Friends India & Japan Xenophobic Over Immigrants

The US President Joe Biden has called a list of friends as “xenophobic” including India and Japan, who have been American friends against China.

The President expressed the remarks at a campaign fundraising event on Wednesday attended by a mostly Asian-American audience. 

Biden Calls Allies As Xenophobic

The President said countries like India, Russia, China, and Japan were xenophobic because they didn’t accept immigrants.

“Think about it. Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic,” he said. 

White House Clarifies 

The White House had to respond to criticism that Mr. Biden’s statement attracted attention.

The statement mentioned that the President didn’t mean any disrespect to the said countries.

The BBC didn’t hear back from embassies of Japan, India, China and Russia after the statement was widely criticized by American commentators.

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