Italy Bans Puppy Yoga Classes On Health Grounds

The Italian government has imposed a ban on the use of puppy yoga classes on health grounds.

The Ministry of Health issued a notice saying the practice was against the wellbeing of not just the animal, but all the attendees doing yoga.

The decision was hailed as a positive step by Animal rights activists who considered the practice unhealthy. 

Yoga is Damaging To Yoga Pups

The Health Ministry claimed that dog puppies go through intense physical and emotional harm while doing yoga along with other dogs.

The statement only made the act legal for adult dogs, who are generally not that much affected by yoga.

The ministry has instructed regional authorities to investigate and prevent puppy yoga classes from taking place anywhere.

Health experts agree that involving a puppy in yoga is detrimental to their health.

Dog expert Giusy D’Angelo said “this type of activity is detrimental to the dogs’ wellbeing and only brings financial advantages to those who run the classes.”

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