Report Says Nearly 2 in 5 Americans Breathe Unhealthy Air

According to a report published by the Washington Post, nearly two in five Americans are breathing unhealthy air.

The stats have increased sharply as compared to previous years of 2020 and 2022 when the country experienced a record number of days with very unhealthy or hazardous air conditions.

Over 90 million people reside in areas where air quality exceeds the standard set by the climatologists. 

131 Million Americans Under Threat

The report mentioned that nearly 131 million Americans live in areas with significant ozone layer raptures, an increase of nearly 12 million compared to the last 5 years of data.

The report underscores that poor air quality increases the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases which have a significant toll on the overall health care system.

Communities of color are disproportionately affected by these impacts, with a significant number residing in areas where air pollution has skyrocketed.

Climate change was blamed for the worsening air quality which has become a global issue with countries like China, India and Pakistan recording the worst air quality.

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