Viral Video Shows Two Navy Helicopters Crashing Mid Air

Two Malaysian navy helicopters collided mid-air during a rehearsal for a military parade, resulting in the deaths of all 10 crew members on board.

The collision occurred as the helicopters were flying in formation, with one aircraft’s rotor clipping the other, causing both to crash to the ground.

The BBC reported that there were no known survivors and the investigative authorities were working to find out why the incident happened.

All Victims Are Dead

The tragic incident took place at 09:30 local time in Lumut, Malaysia, where a Royal Malaysian Navy base is situated.

The Royal Malaysian Navy confirmed that “all victims were confirmed dead on site and the remains were sent to the [Lumut] Military Hospital for identification”. 

One Helicopter Crashed in Swimming Pool

One of the helicopters, a HOM M503-3 carrying seven individuals, crashed onto a running track, while the other, a Fennec M502-6 with three crew members, crashed into a nearby swimming pool.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed condolences to the victims’ families, describing the incident as a “heart-wrenching tragedy.”

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