Opposition Leader Punches Georgian MP in The Face During Debate

A Georgian Member of the Parliament was punched in the face by the opposition leader during a debate over a controversial bill opposed by many.

Video shows opposition MP Aleko Elisashvili punching the leader of the ruling Georgian Dream party, Mamuka Mdinaradze, in the face during a speech over a foreign funding bill that triggered mass protests in 2023 for its controversial nature.

MPs Hand To Hand

According to media reports, the opposition leader Aleko Elisashvili was not happy with the ruling party’s insistence to bring back an older legislation that was repealed previously.

The Georgian government withdrew the bill that labeled NGOs and media organizations as “foreign agents” for receiving more than 20% of their funding from a foreign country.

Critics of The Law

Critics argue that the bill is inspired by authoritarian laws of neighboring Russia which are used to crush dissent and unpopular opinions.

Under pressure from the public, the government withdrew the bill after mass protests paralyzed Georgia last year.

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