World’s Oldest Living Conjoined Twins Die in Pennsylvania

The world’s oldest living conjoined twins, Lori and George Schappell, passed away at the age of 62 in their hometown of Pennsylvania.

The Schappell twins died on 7 April at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, as reported in an obituary. The cause of death was not disclosed to the local media.

The Schappells

Born on 18 September 1961 in Reading, southern Pennsylvania, they were conjoined at the skull with separate bodies, sharing 30% of their brain and crucial blood vessels.

George, who had spina bifida, used a mobility device, while Lori would push and steer George’s wheeled stool to help them move around.

Their condition represented one of the rarest forms of conjoined twinning, affecting only 2% to 6% of cases, according to NBC Today.

In 2007, George transitioned, making the Schappells the first same-sex conjoined twins to identify as different genders, noted by Guinness World Records.

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