Biden Considering Australia’s Request To Drop Assange Charges

The Biden administration is considering dropping charges against the Australian journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

The BBC reported that the Australian parliament recently passed a resolution urging the United States government to return Mr. Assange to his home country.

US President Joe Biden said his government is considering dropping charges after an official request was made by the Australian Prime Minister to drop the criminal proceedings against the Wikileaks founder.

Biden is Optimistic

The Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the US was optimistic about returning Mr. Assange after the request.

The BBC report mentioned that Mr. Biden’s comments were encouraging, and the President was “increasingly optimistic about an outcome”.

Charges Against Assange

US prosecutors seek to try Assange on 18 charges under the Espionage Act, accusing the Wikileaks head of putting US troops at risk by leaking confidential documents.

Meanwhile, Assange, aged 52, is contesting extradition in UK courts, with proceedings paused in March pending assurances from the US that he won’t face the death penalty.

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