Boeing in Crisis After New Whistleblower Raises Safety Concerns

Boeing has come under fire after a new whistleblower has raised safety concerns to US regulators.

Engineer Sam Salehpour accused Boeing of unsafe practices of its 787 and 777 jets to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). B

Boeing in response refuted Mr. Salehpour’s allegations, alleging that its planes were safe for flying.

Shares Dropped by 2%

Boeing’s Shares dropped almost 2% on Tuesday after the FAA said it was investigating the claims made by Mr Salehpour.

The company has been under severe crisis following allegations that the company was undermining public safety when an unused door of one of its planes broke off in January.

Whistleblower Threatened With Consequences

Mr Salehpour argued that he was threatened with termination when he raised these concerns with his superiors in the company.

“He was threatened with termination, excluded from important meetings, projects, and communication, denied reasonable requests for medical leave,” Mr Salehpour’s lawyers said.

In the wake of these allegations, the FAA reiterated its commitment to investigate all reports related to Boeing’s safety measures, the BBC said.

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