Germany Accused of Genocide For Selling Arms To Israel

Nicaragua has accused Germany of being complicit in genocide for selling arms to Israel as the latter country targets the civilian population.

Nicaragua has asked the UN’s highest court to stop Germany from selling weapons to Israel, alleging a breach of the UN genocide convention.

Germany Rejects Accusations

In response, Berlin denied the accusations and said it would present its defence to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) soon.

This case follows a previous one started by South Africa in which the Hague judges instructed Israel to take all necessary steps to avoid genocidal actions and demanded the immediate release of all hostages.

Israel Denies Wrongdoing

Israel has denied allegations of genocide in its operations in Gaza, arguing that it has the right to self-defense.

The Gaza offensive has reportedly claimed over 33,000 lives, mostly civilians, and left Gaza on the brink of famine, with hundreds of thousands living on extremely low-calorie intake.

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