Republicans Remove Journalist From An Event For Unfair Reporting

A journalist was removed from a Republican event for unfair reporting, the Guardian reported.

A journalist from the Colorado Sun, Sandra Fish, was removed from the state Republican party assembly over the weekend following claims by state party chair Dave Williams that her reporting was “very unfair.”

Sandra Fish being escorted out of the assembly

Fish Received Message

Fish, a veteran politics reporter with decades of experience, received a text early Saturday morning from a Republican party organizer informing her that she was no longer invited to attend the assembly.

Fish proceeded to the event after obtaining a credentialed pass at the door before being asked to leave by security after an hour.

Other journalists present at the event also captured video footage of Fish’s removal.

Journalist Removal Drew Criticism

Fish had previously reported on the state party’s distribution of a pro-Trump mailer attacking Williams’ primary opponent in the congressional race.

The decision to remove Fish from the assembly drew criticism from various quarters, including elected officials and media outlets, who deemed it unjust and detrimental to press freedom.

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