Taiwan’s Massive Earthquake in Nearly 25 Years Kills Nine

Taiwan’s strongest Earthquake in 25 years has killed nine and destroyed hundreds of buildings.

The massive 7.2 earthquake rocked the island and struck most tourist destinations on Taiwan’s eastern coast.

So far, 127 people, including two Germans, are known to be trapped as a result of the Earthquake, the BBC mentioned. 

Tsunami Warning Lifted

The Taiwanese government issued a Tsunami warning, but the warning was later lifted when the situation was assessed.

The Earthquake was unlike any usual one in Taiwan, a region prone to such natural disasters, but the latest one shocked people to the core.

The Earthquake also hit Japan, where the meteorological agency urged people to stay indoors and evacuate others.

On Wednesday, the Philippines’ seismology agency also issued a tsunami warning for coastal areas fronting the Pacific Ocean.

Currently, the death toll stands at nine, which is expected to increase as more and more people are evacuated.  

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