Skywatchers Shocked To See Mysterious Lights Across California Skies

Skywatchers Shocked To See Mysterious Lights Across California Skies

Skywatchers in South California were buffeled by a streak of lights crossing their skies recently.

Videos circulating on social media suggest a mysterious line of light debris going from one end to another.

Many on social media thought it was a meteor shower or a SpaceX launch misfire, but astronomers said it was a Chinese rocket re-entering our Planet’s atmosphere.

Debris Was 1,500 Kilograms

The Aerospace Corporation, relying on data from the USSF 18th Space Defense Squadron, identified the object as the orbital module from China’s November 2022 Shenzhou-15.

The object has an estimated mass of around 1,500kg (3,300 lb).

The Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization at the Chinese Academy of Sciences did not comment on the incident.

Debris Burnt In The Air

Space relations expert Madhu Thangavelu said there was nothing to worry as “all of it (debris) burnt out in the upper atmosphere.”

Occurrences of space debris showers have grown increasingly common in recent weeks, mostly attributed to Space Junk.

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