Israel Bombs Iran Consulate in Syria’s Capital Damascus

Israeli fighter jets have bombed Iran’s diplomatic buildings in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

The escalating tensions have raised concerns among policymakers that are slowly inching towards an all-out war.

Iran has vowed to take revenge for the strikes that have killed two senior commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Iran Vows Revenge

The Iranian government has vowed to take appropriate measures against Israel’s strikes on its buildings in Syria.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry said the bombings destroyed the consulate building in Damascus, killing seven officials of the IRGC, including Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a leading commander, and senior commander General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.

US Denies Involvement

Reuters reported shortly after the strikes that one US official told Axios that the Biden administration had no prior knowledge about the strikes.

The report said the US was not involved in the strikes on Iran’s diplomatic buildings.

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