Eight Chinese Migrants Found Dead on Mexican Beach

Mexican border guards have recovered the bodies of Chinese nationals on a beach near the state of Oaxaca.

Officials told the BBC that the boat of victims capsized after setting off from Chiapas state, on the border with Guatemala, on Thursday.

The victims included seven women and another man with a Mexican diver, reports suggest. 

Investigation Underway

The Mexican authorities have said they are looking into the matter and an investigation has been initiated.

The victims have not yet been identified and the government is taking help from the Chinese embassy to do that.

The Mexican government didn’t provide further details about the incident.

Why Chinese?

According to official estimates, more than 37,000 Chinese nationals were detained at the US-Mexico border last year.

The number of Chinese migrants have increased in the past few years as they flee political repression and a faltering economy at home.

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